To get to know and recognise something important in art, something that Hollywood doesn't reckon with, that the average jumper doesn't deal with, that doesn't appear in traditional castles and
sideways glances, that the general director, the functionary and many others haven't even dreamed of - something for the clever, not for the failed.
Children love Punch and Judy shows, failed people love television with moving pictures and superimposed laughter.
In addition, the advertising buffoon with the stupid face wins (in Tevaugered - Viennese pronunciation). Failed people see no pictures, only commercial art, read no books, only newspapers, have
no plastic experience, only designer mudguards, listen to no music, only radio noise.
Sponsors, directors, curators, commentators and other fools work for a salary, but for free.
The clever carpenter and his successful armchair: a failed one sits on it and covers the good piece, not forever.
Patience, good armchairs, good pictures, good music and good books!
Your time will come and if it takes a hundred years, no failed person will sit on it longer.